[oslc-core] Core Representation Examples

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Mon Feb 20 09:17:52 EST 2012

I wonder if the Examples documents were originally "all in one" and then 
later split off.  Someone asked me a question about JSON representations 
(they were looking for an example that shows ordering of query results 
using a JSON array) and it turned out to be harder than I expected.  [1] 
contains the rules for representations, by content type (fair enough).  I 
followed my nose happily off to JSON examples, thence down to the query 
resource [2].  It has the requested example ... but where to find the 
"fictional blog" resource definitions, which when combined with the rules 
from [1] lead to the example in [2]?  Long story short, over in [3] 
(scratches head).  Hindsight being 20-20, I see that the Overview in [2] 
(and [3]) attempts to point that out; they also cross-link to other 
representation examples (n-1 of them - Atom omitted); Atom's Overview does 
not link to any of its peers however.


1: Factor out the resource defintions into their own page.
2: Synch the Overview content of each Examples page (simply make them 
3: In each Examples page, amend the following string (each time it occurs)
from:   Below is an example [RDF/XML, ...] representation of a [blog,...] 
to:     Below is an example [RDF/XML, ...] representation of a [blog,...] 
entry, showing the resource definitions in New-Page-Nameand serialized 
according to the guidance in OSLC Core Specification: Appendix B.


Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario
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