[oslc-core] [new oslc wg] Gauging interest in two new working groups

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Wed Apr 11 13:38:31 EDT 2012

I am wondering how much community interest there would be in forming 
working groups in the following topic areas.  This is not a formal 
proposal of any kind, although I used a past one to give them some basic 
structure.  If there appears to be sufficient interest in either or both, 
then we can make a proposal at some future time.
Since there is a forum area for discussion of new working groups, 
discussion should take place at 
The text below substantially reproduces the content.

Area 1: Resource Reconciliation
Does a monitoring record about a computer system and an asset record about 
a computer system, taken together, describe one or two computer systems? 
This is a central issue when the resources described are not themselves 
electronic documents, be they computer systems, software applications, 
HTTP servers, whatever.
The goal of this effort would be to define a common set of resources, 
properties, and constraints on property values useful for answering that 
category of question, so that multiple tools can have a common 
understanding of the answer when they integrate.

Area 2: Event Management
What events does an event management system contain about a computer 
system?  Once a human decides that an event occurred "because of" some 
other event, or that an event "is about" a particular network device, how 
can another product link to details about the event?

The goal of this effort would be to define a common set of resources, 
properties, and RESTful services useful for answering that category of 
question, so that multiple tools can have a common answer when they 

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario

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