[oslc-core] Questions/remarks about the delegated UI for resourceselection

Thunissen Marc marc.thunissen at oce.com
Mon Oct 17 02:26:04 EDT 2011

Hello Steve,

Thanks again for your response.

So a different resource shapes may be provided for the creation factory, query, delegate UI... !
I cannot tell that I like this but this is a solution.

1. I already have a need for the two UI behavior (single and multiple selection):

Multiple selections: 
I create a new test case and I want to link it to the related requirements.
In this case, a multiple requirements selection would be welcome.

Single selection:
I am starting a workflow for which I need a template for some kind of documents.
Such templates are under my asset manager control.
My workflow is not able to run with several templates at once.
In this case, only a single asset selection must be allowed.

2. I don't like this because it means that the server must anticipate all client needs and deliver a dedicated UI for each.
Moreover the client program must know the UI URL because the service provider services cannot make clear (for a program) which UI to use.
The dcterms:title or oslc:label are designed to be readable by humans, not programs.
Only the oslc:usage could be a hint but only the http://open-services/ns/core#default value is defined.

3. dcterms:title is an XMLLiteral.
This is surprising for a form label.
But if there is a specific shape for each UI, we can say that the dcterms:title in this shape must be designed to be a form label.
Nevertheless I don't well understand why there is a shape for the UI, at the same level as the UI url.
The client application need the UI url and, I think, don't need the shape.
The UI implementation don't care about its own URL but could need to use the shape (for a dynamic implementation).

4. Ok.
With different shapes this becomes pretty clear.

Many thanks,


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve K Speicher [mailto:sspeiche at us.ibm.com] 
Sent: jeudi 13 octobre 2011 22:45
To: Thunissen Marc
Cc: oslc-core at open-services.net
Subject: Re: [oslc-core] Questions/remarks about the delegated UI for resourceselection


I have provided some remarks below...

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645

> From: Thunissen Marc <marc.thunissen at oce.com>
> To: <oslc-core at open-services.net>,
> Date: 10/12/2011 05:38 AM
> Subject: [oslc-core] Questions/remarks about the delegated UI for
resource selection
> Sent by: oslc-core-bounces at open-services.net
> Hello,
> I have a few remarks about the delegated UI for the resource selection:
> 1.       The specs are unclear about the possibility to select one or 
more resources.
> The explanations are “allow a user to pick a resource” (one resource),
> the example show a response with two resources.
> My feeling about that is that the UI consumer should be able to choose
> preferred behavior: single or multiple selection.
> Can we imagine an option in the UI URI, such as
“oslc.options=singleSelection” or “
> oslc.options=multipleSelection” ?

This is always possible, though I wonder what the scenario is that requires this.  I have not heard the demand for this but do recall it being discussed at one point.

> 2.       As a UI consumer, I also have a need to restrict the resource 
> I would like to allow the user to select an asset, but only for a
specific asset type.
> By instance we are in a workflow to create a request for tender and I
> to allow the user to select a template for the document to create.
> I could be useful to allow the “oslc.where” in the UI URI.
> Something like and oslc.where=dcterms:type=”Request for tender template” 

> could be a solution.

I would have thought that you could accomplish this by listing multiple oslc:selectionDialogs (one per resource type).  The consumer would pick the right selection dialog based on the desired type.  Does this not work for you as is?

> 3.       A common design pattern is to build the UI on top of the API.
> It could be interesting to be able to create a generic UI layer using 
> metadata coming from the API to build the creation and selection HTML
> We can use the resource shape, but I cannot find a kind of “display
> for the properties to create the form labels (and of course we need to
> about the localization).

These are available from resources from their optional oslc:instanceShape reference and from that you can use oslc:Property's dcterms:title

> 4.       I have some oslc resources for which some properties must be 
> specified when creating a new resource but cannot be changed later.
> I am not sure how to declare this in the shape.
> Should I have to write “oslc:readOnly=true”, “oslc:occurs=http://open- 
> service.net/ns/core#Exactly-one” and no “oslc:defaultValue”.
> But there are also some resources, such as the “dc:identifier”, that 
> can

> neither be set at creation time nor changed later.
> How can I mark the difference in the shape (still trying create the UI
> automatically) ?

Yes would need different shapes for different purposes

For the shape associated with the creation factory, setup the requirements
“oslc:occurs=http://open-service.net/ns/core#Exactly-one” and no “oslc:defaultValue”

Then for the query and/or instance shapes do this:
“oslc:occurs=http://open-service.net/ns/core#Exactly-one” and no “oslc:defaultValue”
(mark readOnly as true)

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