[oslc-core] Problem in Delegated UI Window Name protocol example

Dave snoopdave at gmail.com
Tue Mar 1 15:52:14 EST 2011

On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 12:05 PM, Steve K Speicher <sspeiche at us.ibm.com> wrote:
> I believe there was some goal to keep the samples "clean" by just using
> standard HTML/JS/DOM and not put browser-specific checks in (hard to draw
> the line where to stop with this).

Yes, that is a valid concern. I think we can make some minor changes
and improve things a bit.

> I'm fine either way though, as the reality is people will snag these and
> want to use them.  Perhaps it would be good to attach a more complete
> example to the spec (provide a reference to) or handle this with other
> supporting material, which we tried to do with IBM Developer Works
> articles, etc.

I have expanded the existing example to work on IE and have tested
successfully on Chrome, Firefox and Safari. I had to work around two
IE related issues:

   The "use attachEvent on IE" issue

   The "can't set iframe name via JavaScript on IE" issue

Here's the new example code:

    var pickerURL = ... // URL of Provider's Delegated UI Dialog
    var returnURL = ... // Consumer's Return URL

    var frame = document.createElement('iframe');

	function windowNameProtocol() {
		// Step #1: create iframe with fragment to indicate protocol
		// Step #2: set the iframe's window.name to indicate the Return URL
		if (ie > 0) {
			frame = document.createElement('<iframe name=\'' + returnURL + '\'>');
		} else {
			frame = document.createElement('iframe');			
			frame.name = returnURL;
		frame.src = pickerURL + '#oslc-core-windowName-1.0';
		frame.width = 450;
		frame.height = 300;


		// Step #3: listen for onload events on the iframe
		var ie = window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE");
		if (ie > 0) {
			frame.attachEvent("onLoad", onFrameLoaded);
		} else {
			frame.onload = onFrameLoaded;

	function onFrameLoaded() {
		try { // May throw an exception if the frame's location is still a
different origin
			// Step #4: when frame's location is equal to the Return URL
			// then read response and return.
			if (frame.contentWindow.location == returnURL) {
				var message = frame.contentWindow.name;
		} catch (e) {
			// ignore: access exception when trying to access window name

I plan to replace the existing example with the above this week.

As usual, feedback is most appreciated.

- Dave

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