[oslc-core] Better name for OSLC indexing profile

Frank Budinsky frankb at ca.ibm.com
Mon Apr 4 10:57:53 EDT 2011

Hi John,

> So if particular subsets of resources can be interesting for certain
> use cases, even if we're not focusing on those right now, why would
> we not keep the two concepts (change log, enumeration of the 'all
> resources' set) orthogonal so that (should one or more future use
> cases require it) specs/implementations need only specify how to
> find the change log -for a specific (sub)set- ?

I think the proposal of using special oslc:usage values to identify the
resources could accommodate future subsetting. I could imagine a future
extension that said:

	GET <changeLogURI>

returns the changelog associated with all the "published resources" (i.e.,
the ones returned from the Query Capabilities marked with oslc:usage = "
http://open-services/ns/core#published"), but an optional query string can
be appended to identify a different oslc:usage value to use, for example:

	GET <changeLogURI>?oslc.usage="http://something#useCase123Resources"

In other words, "http://open-services/ns/core#published", is the default
oslc:usage value, but others might be supported in the future. I don't
think we need to define this now. Just knowing it would be possible in the
future, seems good enough to me.

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