[oslc-core] Provided guidance for adding relationship labels

James Conallen jconallen at us.ibm.com
Wed Sep 1 09:44:30 EDT 2010

Good point.

I wonder if it is then appropriate to provide some guidance on the use HTTP
cache control - i don't think etags will help here.

So, if a provider wants to cache some information about the object
resource, like the title (using Steve's example), that server should also
look for an Cache-Control header and then decide if it can cache the
information, and if it can, how long it can cache it.  (this information
can also be stored in the reified statement).

while all this can be done, and presumably to address expected performance
issues, i still think the guidance should be to refrain from using link
annotations to describe information about the target (object), and instead
only use it to describe the link itself..


jim conallen
CAM Lead Architect
jconallen at us.ibm.com
Rational Software, IBM Software Group

From:       Arthur Ryman <ryman at ca.ibm.com>
To:         James Conallen/Philadelphia/IBM at IBMUS
Cc:         oslc-cm at open-services.net, oslc-core at open-services.net,
            oslc-core-bounces at open-services.net, Steve K
            Speicher/Raleigh/IBM at IBMUS
Date:       08/31/2010 04:19 PM
Subject:    Re: [oslc-core] Provided guidance for adding relationship


There are standard HTTP practices that describe how to safely cache
resources, and well-behaved clients (e.g. Web browsers) should use those.
OSLC clients should be well-behaved HTTP clients. This includes the use of
ETags, expiry dates, and HEAD requests.


Arthur Ryman, PhD, DE

Chief Architect, Project and Portfolio Management

IBM Software, Rational

Markham, ON, Canada | Office: 905-413-3077, Cell: 416-939-5063
Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

James Conallen <jconallen at us.ibm.com>
Steve K Speicher <sspeiche at us.ibm.com>
oslc-cm at open-services.net, oslc-core at open-services.net
08/31/2010 03:29 PM
Re: [oslc-core] Provided guidance for adding relationship labels
Sent by:
oslc-core-bounces at open-services.net

my 2c,

I worry about guidance that that suggests that it is ok to essentially
cache information about a resource that is being referenced (and managed
by) on another server. If this is to be a practice, what are the
recommendations for ensuring that this information remains in sync.
Looking at the referenced example, what happens if the owner of the
resource 123 changes its title to "Enhancement 123: Enable multi-root
installs"? Will this have to be manually updated? If not, does the system
automatically update properties of links whenever it detects them.

While I do recognize this may be a way to save a GET call. I don't think
it represents a best practice.


jim conallen
CAM Lead Architect
jconallen at us.ibm.com
Rational Software, IBM Software Group

Steve K Speicher---08/31/2010 02:47:42 PM---I wanted to call out some
specification updates that was created for handling of relationship label

From: Steve K Speicher/Raleigh/IBM at IBMUS
To: oslc-cm at open-services.net
Cc: oslc-core at open-services.net
Date: 08/31/2010 02:47 PM
Subject: [oslc-core] Provided guidance for adding relationship labels
Sent by: oslc-core-bounces at open-services.net

I wanted to call out some specification updates that was created for
handling of relationship labels on URI relationship properties.  Note the
support for this is optional but wanted to make sure this was done in a
uniform way across implementations.  Let me know if there are any issues
with this.


Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645

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