[oslc-core] New issues on query, shape, etc.

Arthur Ryman ryman at ca.ibm.com
Tue May 11 08:30:02 EDT 2010


I'd like to discuss this issue:

   OPEN Query simplifications. The new query parameters that we have
added into the OSLC Query Syntax and useful and well thought out, but
they go well beyond what we have in the v1 specifications. We can ease
OSLC Core spec adoption and migration by simplifying the query syntax
and removing the oslc.from, oslc.offset, oslc.limit and
oslc.properties -- oslc.properties should be moved out of the Query
Syntax and back into the OSLC Defined Resources section. (DaveJohnson,
      * *Response* Response pending... (DaveJohnson 05/10/2010)

I do not think we should remove these query parameters from the Query 
Syntax spec since there are good use cases and precedents for them. Recall 
that ALL of the query parameters are optional. A domain spec says which 
query parameters it supports. The Query Syntax spec defines the query 
parameter syntax, semantics, how they relate to the other query 
parameters, and the default behavior when a given query parameter is 
absent. Since the Query Syntax spec is being moved out of the Core and put 
on a longer convergence schedule, we should allow implementers to provide 
feedback on ALL the query parameters and then alter the Query Syntax spec 
according to their feedback.


Arthur Ryman, PhD, DE

Chief Architect, Project and Portfolio Management

IBM Software, Rational

Markham, ON, Canada | Office: 905-413-3077, Cell: 416-939-5063
Twitter | Facebook | YouTube

Dave <snoopdave at gmail.com>
oslc-core <oslc-core at open-services.net>
05/10/2010 05:16 PM
[oslc-core] New issues on query, shape, etc.
Sent by:
oslc-core-bounces at open-services.net

Scott Bosworth, Steve Speicher and I met informally today to discuss
shapes, query and other issues in the OSLC Core Spec DRAFT. Below is a
list of the issues that were raised during the discussion:

   OPEN Resource Shape value types are wrong and do not match those in
the OSLC Defined Resources section (DaveJohnson, 05/10/2010)
      * *Response* Review and ensure the lists match 100% type for
type (DaveJohnson 05/10/2010)

   OPEN Resource Shape Property's defaultValue property should be the
same value-type as the property with which it is associated
(DaveJohnson, 05/10/2010)
      * *Response* Yes, fix this as described. (DaveJohnson 05/10/2010)

   OPEN Resource Shape Properties allowedValues property needs work.
It should be either a resource or an inline resource, and should
provide a min/max range for number and date value types. (DaveJohnson,
      * *Response* Yes, fix this as described. (DaveJohnson 05/10/2010)

   OPEN Resource Shapes are really just a common resource and we
should not place such a big emphasis on them by making them a major
heading in the core spec. Instead, move them to Appendix A as a type
of Common Resource (DaveJohnson, 05/10/2010)
      * *Response* Yes, fix this as described. (DaveJohnson 05/10/2010)

   OPEN The NLS string type is really unnecessary. Any string should
be allowed to localized and we don't really need to talk about how
this works except in the representation rules section of the spec.
(DaveJohnson, 05/10/2010)
      * *Response* Yes, fix this as described. (DaveJohnson 05/10/2010)

   OPEN We discussed the need for pre-defined property name prefixes
only in the Query Syntax portion of the spec where we mention
oslc.prefix. We should also mention this in the Service Provider
section when we explain the need for the Namespace resource. And, we
should point out that the rdf, dc,foaf and oslc prefixes are
predefined and do not need to be declared in the Provider Resource
(DaveJohnson, 05/10/2010)
      * *Response* Yes, fix this as described. (DaveJohnson 05/10/2010)

   OPEN Query simplifications. The new query parameters that we have
added into the OSLC Query Syntax and useful and well thought out, but
they go well beyond what we have in the v1 specifications. We can ease
OSLC Core spec adoption and migration by simplifying the query syntax
and removing the oslc.from, oslc.offset, oslc.limit and
oslc.properties -- oslc.properties should be moved out of the Query
Syntax and back into the OSLC Defined Resources section. (DaveJohnson,
      * *Response* Response pending... (DaveJohnson 05/10/2010)

   1 %RED%OPEN%ENDCOLOR% Because we predefine some property name
prefixes, require that other prefixes are defined in the Service
Provider resource and required that JSON representations use our
predefined prefixes we can remove all namespace declarations from JSON
(DaveJohnson, 05/10/2010)
      * *Response* Yes, fix this as described. (DaveJohnson 05/10/2010)

I have already added these to the issues page.


As always, feedback, comments, suggestions, etc. are most welcome!

- Dave

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