[oslc-core] Made fixes in Service Provider Resources section

Dave snoopdave at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 11:48:21 EDT 2010

I fixed some inconsistencies in the Service Provider Resources section
and the diagram there.

Here's a summary:
- oslc:OAuthAuthorization resource and oslc:oauthAuthorization
property now known as oslc:OAuthConfiguration and
- oslc:Contributor resource and oslc:contributor property are now
oslc:Publisher and oslc:publisher
- Both oslc:ServiceProviderCatalog, oslc:ServiceProvider and
oslc:Service now have dcterms:title and dcterms:description
- Changed dc:title to dcterms:title in oslc:Publisher
- Reviewed properties in diagram made many change to match what is in
the spec text.

Most of the issues I fixed were pointed out by Jim Conallen, thanks Jim!

As always, feedback is most welcome.


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