[oslc-core] Question on use of foaf:Person

Ian Green1 ian.green at uk.ibm.com
Wed Aug 25 16:44:56 EDT 2010

Hello there,
I understood there was some ongoing discussion about use of foaf:Person -
some of the Person attributes were mandatory (and this outwith Shape, and
also beyond what FOAF itself describes).  Also, requiring a name, or some
other potentially sensitive information in a REQUIRED property might cause
alarm and/or willfully degenerate names ("ANOther") that are misleading.
This seems unnecessary - are we happy that the spec REQUIRES a name?

A related question for jazz-aware readers:  what is the recommended OSLC
foaf:Person representation of a Jazz user with URI

In my examples i was inclined to write

<foaf:Person rdf:about="https://doors.example.com/jazz/users/img">
  <foaf:name>Ian Green</foaf:name>

Is this reasonable?  But really, and to my first point about, i think i
might prefer

which is what was possible in the RM V1 specification.

best wishes,

ian.green at uk.ibm.com (Ian Green1/UK/IBM at IBMGB)
Chief Software Architect, Requirements Definition and Management
IBM Rational

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