[oslc-core] OSLC Core meeting tomorrow?

Dave snoopdave at gmail.com
Tue Aug 17 15:35:53 EDT 2010

I'm debating whether or not to have an OSLC Core workgroup meeting
tomorrow because I don't really have any agenda items other than the
following calls to action:

* Please review changes to Appendix B query/shape examples, mentioned last week:
    * http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/OSLCCoreSpecAppendixB#Specifying_the_shape_of_a_query

* In advance of next weeks review of Link Guidance, please read and comment on:
     * http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/OslcCoreLinks

Does anybody else have agenda items or questions they'd like to cover?
Also, note that Jim Conallen and Arthur Ryman will be unable to
attend. If not, I'll probably cancel this meeting. Ideas?


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