[Oslc-communications] FW: ICE IoT submission: Seamless Lifecycle Integration based on Open Standards

Ersch, Rainer rainer.ersch at siemens.com
Mon Sep 12 05:59:48 EDT 2016

Dear StC Colleagues and OSLC Com group members,

our talk at The IBM Conference ICE Iot has been formally accepted (see below).
During our next meetings we should define who the speaker of the talk are.

The presentation will most likely require some updates with the current status of
Core and CCM specs and other activities (e.g. OSLC Domain TC).
As discussed earlier, I'd propose to split the talk into:
a) overview and status
b) panel discussion with questions from audience
I can volunteer as speaker for the first part. @Bola: still interested to join me?
For the second part, all StC and Com group members which are available
at the conference should participate in the panel.

Bye and have a nice day

From: Michelle Specht [mailto:michelle.specht at us.ibm.com]
Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 12:52 AM
To: Ersch, Rainer (CT RDA SSI DEV-DE)
Cc: Moshe Cohen
Subject: ICE IoT submission: Seamless Lifecycle Integration based on Open Standards

Rainer, Congratulations!Please forward to the OASIS speaker.

Your abstract has been accepted into the Best Practices for Continuous Engineeringtrack for the ICE IoT Summit the week of November 14th. I would like to introduce your track chair Moshe Cohen. He will work with you making sure you have all your questions answered and he has everything needed from you. Please get your slides to Moshe by Oct 16, if you need more time please coordinate with him. Your abstract should now be on the website: http://learnquestconference.com/iceiot16/schedule/

We reserved cabins on the Queen Mary from Monday to Thursday at a discounted rate, if you would like to stay "on-board", please reserve the cabin when you register.

Please keep checking the website, we are adding more information every week.

Michelle Specht
michelle.specht at us.ibm.com
IoT Continuous Engineering Ecosystem Marketing
IBM Corporation
(973) 570-6750
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