[Oslc-communications] November Communications Workgroup Meeting

Kalena C Kelly kackel18 at us.ibm.com
Tue Oct 25 10:33:34 EDT 2016

Hi All,

Our next OSLC Communications Workgroup meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,
November 8, 2016.  If you have an agenda topic that you'd like covered,
please let me know.  If you'd like to attend the calls and you're not
currently on the invite, please let me know.


Kalena Kelly Blue
IoT Client Program Manager :: DevOps and Continuous Engineering, Analytics
and Reporting, and Engineering Lifecycle
Rational Lab Advocate Program Manager
kackel18 at us.ibm.com

Have you registered for VoiCE,
http://learnquestconference.com/iceiot16/voice-at-ice/ ?  Do so NOW,
http://learnquestconference.com/iceiot16/ !

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