[Oslc-communications] Uploaded a new presentation

Sean Kennedy seanpk at ca.ibm.com
Wed Jun 12 14:42:34 EDT 2013

Hello fellow Communications UG members:

I've uploaded a new presentation to our wiki [1]. I created it this week
for a Toastmasters project "The Goodwill Speech" that I presented today. I
got good feedback, but think the materials would be better delivered in a
10-15 minute time slot (I only had 7).
>From the manual (just for context):
"The purpose of a goodwill speech is to build the public's favorable
feeling toward you. This kind of speech is not a sales pitch or
heavy-handed attempt to persuade. Instead, you use your speech to perform a
service that is related to your business or cause. You provide audience
members with information helpful to them in their lives and hope that, in
turn, several of them will eventually buy your product."

I am sure there can be many improvements made to what I've developed so
far, so I encourage you to reuse and improve.
Some recent reflections led me to think that we need more materials that
position OSLC in today's general business context and explain why the
integration problem needs to be solved. Basically leaving OSLC, as the
answer, to the end instead of starting with it.

Thanks in advance for your comments and feedback.


Best regards,
 Sean                                                                                IBM 
 Leader for                                                                              
 for the                                                                                 
 Phone:      +1-905-413-4385                       8200 Warden Ave                       
 Fax:        +1-905-413-4850                       Markham, Ontario L6G 1C7              
 Email:      seanpk at ca.ibm.com                     D1/R0A/8200/MKM                       
 LinkedIn:   http://www.linkedin.com/in/seanpk     Canada                                
             OSLC: Lifecycle integration inspired  http://open-services.net              
             by the web                                                                  
             Eclipse Lyo: Enabling tool            http://eclipse.org/lyo                
             integration with OSLC                                                       
 There is                                                                                
 than an                                                                                 
 idea whose                                                                              
 time has                                                                                
 come. --                                                                                
 Victor Hugo                                                                             

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