[Oslc-communications] Fw: Forward this mail to the people you wish to invite to Event "OSLC Community Webcast: Eclipse Lyo Perl Modules for OSLC (A mini-cast 3-pack)"

Sean Kennedy seanpk at ca.ibm.com
Mon Sep 24 09:37:29 EDT 2012

Hello Communications WG:

Below you will find your early invitation to another OSLC Community Webcast
on October 16.

All we're waiting for are bios from all the speakers before announcing it
on the blog, but you can sign up now.

Sean Kennedy

       Phone: 905-413-4385 (Internal:        Operations Coordinator for the OSLC Steering 
       313-4385)                             Committee                                    
       Fax: 905-413-4850 (to my              Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration    
       attention)                            OSLC Community Development Leader for IBM    
       Email: seanpk at ca.ibm.com              Rational                                     
       LinkedIn: seanpk                      IBM Rational Software - IBM Toronto Software 

There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come. -- Victor

----- Forwarded by Sean Kennedy/Toronto/IBM on 12/09/24 09:34 AM -----

From:	SmartCloud <no-reply at lotuslive.com>
To:	Sean Kennedy/Toronto/IBM at IBMCA,
Date:	12/09/24 09:32 AM
Subject:	Forward this mail to the people you wish to invite to Event
            "OSLC Community Webcast: Eclipse Lyo Perl Modules for OSLC (A
            mini-cast 3-pack)"

 You have been invited to attend the following event:                                                 
 OSLC Community Webcast: Eclipse Lyo Perl Modules for OSLC (A mini-cast 3-pack)                       
  Event Date:                                                                                         
               Oct 16, 2012                                                                           
  Event Time:                                                                                         
               11:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Eastern Time)                                                     
  Hosted By:                                                                                          
               Sean Kennedy (IBM)                                                                     
  Presented By:                                                                                       
               Max Vohlken (IBM), Stéphanie Ouillon (Télécom SudParis), Olivier Berger (Institut      
               Mines-Télécom), Mike Fiedler (IBM), Yuhong Yin (IBM)                                   
 This webcast will be presented in 3 parts:                                                           
 1. Details and demo of the Lyo-OSLC module [1] which is an OSLC CM client developed for use with     
 Rational Team Concert and Rational ClearQuest. Presented by Max Vohlken.                             
 2. Details and demo of the Net-OSLC-CM module [2] which is a generic OSLC CM module that was         
 developed for the Simple Defects [3] distributed bug tracking system. Presented by Stephanie         
 3. A round table discussion of the differences between the two contributions, ongoing work, and      
 areas for future work. Roundtable participants Olivier Berger, Mike Fiedler, Stephanie Ouillon, Max  
 Vohlken, and Yuhong Yin                                                                              
 Each part will be 7-9 minutes and will include time for questions.                                   
 About the speakers:                                                                                  
 * Max Vohlken                                                                                        
 * Stephanie Ouillon                                                                                  
 * Olivier Berger [4] is a Research Engineer at the Institut Mines-Telecom, Telecom SudParis          
 * Mike Fiedler is the co-lead of the Eclipse Lyo project.                                            
 * Yuhong Yin                                                                                         
 [3]: http://syncwith.us/                                                                             
 [4]: http://www-public.it-sudparis.eu/~berger_o/                                                     
 Register for the Event                                                                               
 Register for this event at:                                                                          
 If clicking a link above does not work, please copy the entire link and paste it into your Web       
 For technical questions, contact support at support at lotuslive.com.                                   
 For questions about this event, contact the host at: seanpk at ca.ibm.com.                              
 Powered by IBM SmartCloud for Social Business                                                        
 ©Copyright 2000, 2012 IBM Corporation. All Rights Reserved.                                          

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