[Oslc-Automation] no cherry picking aka Ian.I.5 - changes are live, please review Carefully

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Fri Sep 12 15:41:39 EDT 2014

[1], [2], [3] have the changes integrated now.  I discovered that even 
without allowing cherry picking, there is at least one case where a single 
binding can match >1 IP; consequently not quite all of the weaseling was 
removed, and where it remains I articulated the case ... both for scrutiny 
and to say that we're not actually doing it in practice at this point, so 
it's more of a theoretical concern. 

Several other small fixes have also been made to the live copy.  Things I 
discovered while drafting Ian.I.5.
1: The prose mentioned oslc:usage = default on bindings, but oslc:usage 
was not in the corresponding table for http:Request binding resources.  I 
added it 0:*
2: We copied ParameterInstance from Automation and left rdf:value 0:* 
although our only use of it is 1:1.  I made it 1:1.

Given how delicate these cherry picking changes were, I saved a 
before/after copy of the raw wiki text in case anyone wants a "just diffs" 
view; files attached here.  Doing this helped me catch at least one miss. 

0947 = before, 1329 = after ... approximate timestamps.  They won't 
exactly match the live copy any more, as I've since made a few more edits 
to tie up other loose ends.  You can use the History link off any page to 
pull your own copies if you want something with ALL the changes, including 
the small ones I just made at 1540.

 wafer thin change: add finalStatusLocation to recognition rule; was 
already in text
[3] http://open-services.net/wiki/core/Actions-2.0-Examples/  the "worked 
examples" 2 and 3 needed 1 binding split into 2

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Cloud and Smarter Infrastructure OSLC Lead
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