[Oslc-Automation] New Automation 2.0 spec problem using verdict=incomplete which is not defined

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Wed Mar 19 16:38:26 EDT 2014

[1] says (final sentence of paragraph) "An automation result is “finished” 
when it has an oslc_auto:state predicate with an object of 
oslc_auto:complete or oslc_auto:canceled or an oslc_auto:verdict property 
with a value other than oslc_auto:incomplete. "  We've referred to this 
definition "a few" times in the 200/201 interaction pattern discussions.

The problem is, our vocabulary lacks oslc_auto:incomplete.  We might be 
able to troll old versions to see if this is a rename issue; [2]'s list 
makes me think we might have renamed "incomplete" to "unavailable" at some 
point and missed [1].  I know a couple of us were madly drafting wildly 
varying versions of [1] on other pages for a while, so if an incomplete 
rename was properly reflected (in the then-current spec content) and then 
later the final version of [1]'s paragraph was copied in, there we go.


Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario

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