[Oslc-Automation] Actions 2.0: additional provider constraints reference from Automation Request IP to Fixed Body IP appears to be dangling

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Tue Mar 18 13:01:44 EDT 2014

[1] says (under its recognition rule): it MUST adhere to the provider 
restrictions of the HTTP request with fixed body interaction pattern, 

Following my nose to the fixed body section [2], I fall off of known space 
looking for the restrictions.  I know we probably missed a change from 
"restrictions" to "constraints", but at this point *only* [1] has the 
"addl provider constraints" heading or anything similar.

Is the statement in [1] simply vacuous at this point, so I should remove 
it?  Martin, my guess is that you are the mostly likely expert in this 
section of the material.  AFAIK it's only you and I that have been mucking 
with the actions/IP text in this area.

I don't see anything about http:body in [1], so I'm suspecting that it 
should be referring back to the recognition rule for FB instead of the to 
its "provider restrictions".  I can tilt my head such that "provider 
restrictions" comes to mean the http:body linkage, but it does give me a 
crick in the neck doing so.  I doubt anyone outside the WG would 
reasonably read it that way.


Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario
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