[Oslc-Automation] Templates: Submitting as blank nodes?

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Tue Jan 7 07:42:11 EST 2014

wrt 1: template opacity: That's my impression of how folks like Umberto 
intend to use it.  It has a certain appeal from the "as simple as 
possible" angle. 
Umberto, was that in fact your usage?

wrt 2: blobiness: I don't think we'd prohibit treating templates as R/W 
RDF.  I do think that (even *if* the client treats it as RDF) that the 
starting point has to be that the client does not have to modify it at 
all; if they choose to modify it, my starting point is you're now outside 
the spec and if you can make it work great if not "oh well" and/or good 
scenario for next version.  Content type should not be much of an issue; 
even with frameworks like Jena, you have to pass the language into 
model.read().  If you know enough to do that, you know the content type 
it's just spelled differently.

wrt 3: to parse or not to parse, that is the question:  the need for 
indirection might exist, I just don't trust my memory after 2 weeks away 
from it.  I should just refresh my cache.  Is the wiki content caught up 
with all the "sure/ok/agree" parts of the email threads at this point, so 
a nice cozy top to bottom read is in order?

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario

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