[Oslc-Automation] first cut at split of auto request from fixed body is live

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Thu Apr 3 17:19:24 EDT 2014

> Q1:  are we going to switch to parameter instance or not?
now done and live (spec), examples + diagrams to come

> Q2:  should we define ContentFromRepresentation as a subclass of 
cnt:Content ?
no change, per the email discussion

> Q3: are we going to change the Automation Request pattern's recognition 
now live

> Q4: the immediate action dialog binding looks a bit odd
no change, per the email discussion

> Q5: how are we going to use the ODT content going forward, 
Martin to update that and work it in to an appendix or examples or 
scenarios page 

> Q6: Apropos ... single vs multi-message patterns, I'm not sure what the 
expectation is on Creation Factory in Automation 2.1. 
I drafted something up; the usual search ("Arwe:" + red) in both documents 
will show the changes.  I may sand the wording more (others are welcome to 
too), but as of now I think I finally got it right-enough.  In summary:
- Changed "creation factory IP" to be ONLY a "automation CF IP" ... the 
general Core IP would contain ambiguities, and we only need this 
constrained form, so KISSed it.
- Added words to the "not always single message" IPs (i.e. 
Automation-based ones) saying how the client determines "status of its 
goal", but otherwise left it based on Core CF.
Please review - I'd like to put the "enter convergence/ask for Core 
review" item on next meeting's agenda, since I fully expect to have 
examples and diagrams caught up this week.

> Q7:  Auto 2.1's immediate bindings section is silent on whether or 
> not CF is valid; this answer likely flows from Q6's answer. 
Given the constraints I placed on the new definition, it is valid and so I 
added it to the white-list of immediate bindings.

New: I spotted one place (exactly one of n>5, based on searches) where 
Automation 2.1 used oslc_auto:DeferredExecution as a value of rdf:type, 
and changed that from rdf:type to oslc:usage, so it now matches all the 
other places I found.

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario
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