[Oslc-Automation] Potential new requirement

Charles Rankin rankinc at us.ibm.com
Mon May 7 22:47:02 EDT 2012

oslc-automation-bounces at open-services.net wrote on 05/07/2012 04:00:46 PM:

> One of our potential implementations wants to be able to easily 
> retrieve only the most recently updated Automation Result for a 
> given Plan.  As they noted when they crafted their extension, any 
> Plan may have many Results (in-flight and/or completed).  They are 
> only interested in the most recently updated one. 

A few thoughts:

1) I've found it more common to want to know the most recently created 
result, not the most recently modified one.  And, for the tools I'm most 
familiar with, this tends to be the default sort order for results (most 
recently created first).

2) This seems like it is readily derived using OSLC query against the 
current resource definitions.  Granted this requires that the 
implementation support query.

3) I suspect for most existing tools, this requires additional computation 
(for all naked GETs).  I wonder if this is used frequently enough to 
warrant that additional computation?  Or, in the reverse, I wonder if 
naked GETs will be used enough to worry about the overhead.  Of course, if 
we don't provide it directly, and it is common, then you end up needing 
query, which we aren't requiring.

Charles Rankin

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