[Oslc-Automation] PmAppMonitoring scenario questions

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Tue Jun 12 18:33:01 EDT 2012

[1] http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/PmAppMonitoring

Q1.1: mentions a central registry ... is that implementation detail or 
something within the intended scope of the Perf Mon specs?

Q1.2: mentions "reconciled" a few times ... is that implementation detail 
or something within the intended scope of the Perf Mon specs?  Any 
intended relationship to the reconciliation working group that Core 
approved two weeks ago at my request?

Q1.3: "OSLC client will dynamically determine the current providers" ... 
is that implementation detail or something within the intended scope of 
the Perf Mon specs? 

Q1.4: "An application health consumer queries for monitoring information" 
... is "health" some other domain?  Perf Mon?

Q1.5: What is the relationship between Steps and Detailed Steps?  There 
are 5 steps in each, but they do not appear to directly correspond.

Q1.6: detailed steps mentions "resource registry"  ... is that 
implementation detail or something within the intended scope of the Perf 
Mon specs? 

Q1.7: detailed steps 2 and children seem to be switching URLs.  At first 
it's a monitoring SP URL (so it probably links to a oslc:ServiceProvider 
resource) that you want a UI preview for, then in 2.2 it's a "target 
resource" that appears to be separate from the SP.

Q1.8: detailed steps 3 talks about HTML inside a compact XML document, 
which is not how OSLC Core's UI preview handshake works.

Q1.9: detailed steps 3.1 maps to an internal resource name ... I'm 
guessing this is implementation detail, not something Perf Mon intends to 

Q1.10 Are there any specific data/metrics that need to be in the domain 
spec in order to meet this scenario (e.g. all/some of those in the UI 
preview table...which)?  Or is the intent to leave the particular 
metrics/definitions to the implementation, and limit the spec to defining 
how the implementation's metrics are introspected at run time?   Or a bit 
of both?

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario
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