[Oslc-Automation] Mylyn Builds-OSLC Connector Use Case

Lucas Panjer lucas.panjer at tasktop.com
Tue Jan 31 14:30:42 EST 2012

Last week on our call I described the desire to create a rich UI in
Eclipse to enable a Mylyn-OSLC-Automation connector. I'm providing
some more information and a use case to describe this functionality.

Mylyn is the ALM framework within the Eclipse IDE[1]. One component of
Mylyn is the Builds framework[2] which provides IDE integrations with
build servers. It is likely that a Mylyn-OSLC Automation connector
will be built to enable integration of OSLC-Automation enabled build
systems, such as Eclipse Hudson. It is important that the
OSLC-Automation specification enable such a use case without the use
of delegated HTML UIs to allow for a rich UI experience in Eclipse (or
some other IDE).

I have outlined this use case as "Use Case 2: Trigger Execution of
Automation Plan" on the Mylyn Automation Scenarios[3] page of the
OSLC-Automation wiki.

I am interested in commentary on how the existing specification may or
may not be able to meet this use case.

1. http://www.eclipse.org/mylyn/
2. http://www.eclipse.org/mylyn/builds/
3. http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/AutomationScenariosMylyn

Lucas Panjer
Software Engineer, Tasktop Sync and Cloud Services
778.588.6896 x116

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