[Oslc-Automation] Thoughts on parameters

Charles Rankin rankinc at us.ibm.com
Fri Apr 20 00:22:13 EDT 2012

A few quick thoughts on parameters (specifically the names and meanings of 
ParameterInstance properties).

1) In the definition of AutomationRequest, I suggest we change 
oslc_auto:initialParameter to oslc_auto:parameter.  I don't think the 
extra adjective provides any additional clarity within the 
AutomationRequest resource.  Additionally, I think it is worth providing 
some wording to indicate that these are the parameters the user specified 
when the request was created, as opposed to an exhaustive list of 
parameters that the system may be using (such as non-specified parameters 
with default values).  I suppose that last statement is actually making an 
assumption that is worth getting consensus on.

2) In the definition of AutomationResult, I suggest we add some additional 
wording to the description of oslc_auto:initialParameter to indicate that 
this is an exact copy of the parameters specified in the 

3) In the definition of AutomationResult, I suggest we changle 
oslc_auto:additionalParameter to oslc_auto:parameter.  One assumption I'm 
making is that these will be the complete list of all parameters (and 
values) being used at the time the GET was processed.  If that assumption 
is valid, then I think we should also add some additional wording to the 
description to indicate so.  If it isn't valid, then are there any 
assumptions a user can make with respect to these parameters/values?

Charles Rankin
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