[Oslc-Automation] Changes to spreadsheet

Nick Edgar Nick_Edgar at ca.ibm.com
Fri May 21 17:46:52 EDT 2010

Hi all,

I've made a few updates to the spreadsheet linked at 
These include:

- shortened parent property names (to reduce verbosity, and because the 
child properties used the short form, e.g. results, contributions)
automationPlan -> plan
automationResult -> result

- added sub-types to AutomationContribution; the hierarchy is now:

- FileContribution has properties for file name, size, content URL and 
media type (inherited by subtypes)

- LinkContribution has a url property

If anyone can suggest more general purpose properties I could use for 
these, since they're all pretty generic, I'd appreciate it.

For representing contributions of different types, my expectation is that 
the representation (whether using XML/RDF or other) will use the most 
specific OSLC-defined type as the 'main' type (i.e. element name in 
XML/RDF), with extra rdf:type and other properties as needed.
e.g. an RTC Build log contribution would be something like:
<oslc_auto:LogContribution rdf:about="

  <!-- general AutomationContribution properties  -->
  <oslc_auto:result rdf:resource="
  <dc:title>Full Build Log</dc:title>

  <!-- LogContribution properties -->

  <!-- RTC Build properties -->


I'm also wondering if we can nail down the namespace URL and prefix.  Our 
prototype in RTC Build currently uses:
prefix: oslc_auto  (contrary to oslc-auto in the spreadsheet)
namespace: http://open-services.net/xmlns/automation/1.0/ 

Other specs seem to use a dash instead of a separate segment, e.g. 
oslc-core-2.0.  And should we add 'oslc-'? 
e.g. http://open-services.net/xmlns/oslc-automation-1.0/ 


Nick Edgar
RTC Build component lead

“To jazz, or not to jazz, there is no question!” - Louis Armstrong

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