[Oslc-Automation] Extra automation concepts

Leigh Williamson leighw at us.ibm.com
Wed Mar 24 11:56:25 EDT 2010

I understand what these resources might represent, but I question whether 
there is a need to define them in order to support the set of scenarios 
that we've decided to focus on for the 1.0 spec. If we do not need to 
define these resources in order to have a functional 1.0 spec that 
supports the scenarios, then I would prefer not to define extra resources.

Leigh Williamson
IBM Distinguished Engineer, Rational Software Architecture and Development
IBM Academy of Technology Member
leighw at us.ibm.com

Nick Edgar <Nick_Edgar at ca.ibm.com> 
Sent by: oslc-automation-bounces at open-services.net
03/23/2010 05:12 PM

oslc-automation at open-services.net

[Oslc-Automation] Extra automation concepts

In the last call, we were asked to give our thoughts on the concepts other 
than the automation plan, results and notifications. 
c.f. http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/ResourceDefinitions 

Here are my thoughts, based on my experience with RTC Build and Build 
Forge (basically copied from my original comments in the spreadsheet, with 
some elaboration): 

Automation Server: A server that maintains the available automation plans 
and results.   
Presumably this is the same server as the one you're issuing OSLC 
Automation requests to, though I suppose it's possible that the OSLC API 
could be implemented by a fronting server. 

Automation Engine: A process that coordinates the execution of an 
automation plan to produce a result, by delegating to one or more agents. 
An automation server supports one or more automation engines. 

Automation Agent: A process running on a particular 'worker' machine that 
executes a particular result or part thereof. 
For example, Build Forge allows different steps of a build to run on 
different agents (possibly in parallel). 

It should be understood that these are all just OSLC resources describing 
the underlying processes / servers.  For example, it's not expected that 
asking for info about an automation agent actually contacts the machine on 
which that agent is running, it just returns the info known about that 
agent, as maintained by the automation server. 

Nick Edgar 
RTC Build component lead _______________________________________________
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