[oslc-ArchMgmt] Getting query results sample to validate in RDF/XML

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Mon Nov 21 09:00:02 EST 2011

I was having trouble getting the sample at [1] to validate[2], there 
appears to be a number of problems even after trying to fix up the 
encoding (I know these aren't encoded to help with reading).  Perhaps I am 
missing something in what I'm attempting.  It might be useful to attach a 
sample that can be validated (or even provide a direct link to validated 
sample like [3])

[1] - 
[2] - http://www.w3.org/RDF/Validator/direct
[3] - 

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645

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