[oslc-ArchMgmt] Minutes from 18-Aug-2011 Meeting

James Conallen jconallen at us.ibm.com
Thu Aug 18 11:39:58 EDT 2011

Thanks to all who participated in today's OSLC AM meeting.

   Regrets: Clyde D. Icuspit, Scott Bossworth
   Atendees: Sandeep Kholi, Sandeep Katoch, Gary Johnston, John Crouchley,
   Steve Speicher, Jim Conallen


   We continued the discussion of the topics for the next revision of the
   specification. The we assigned owners for these topics and asked them to
   marshall them through the process. Topic owners will create a page on
   this wiki to elaborate the description, and provide detailed scenarios
   that the workgroup can use to discuss. Once a topic is sufficiently
   elaborated on we will schedule it to be reviewed at a general AM

   Sandeep Kholi suggested (and voluntered to be the owner of) a topic to
   discuss the automated created of links as a result of MDD or generated

   The current set of Architecture Management topics can be found here: (

   Steve Speicher suggested that we might consider merging the OSLC AM and
   RM workgroups. Many of the topics and issues are similar. It was also
   pointed out that while many of the issues are common, and that it is
   even common for some artifacts to be both a requirement and a design
   resource, there are some issues still specific to architecture
   management (i.e. MDD, code generation, etc). It was suggested that we
   arrange for a combination AM / RM workgroup meeting/summit to discuss
   the commonality. Jim will contact Ian Green to arrange such a meeting.

   Steve suggested that we report the AM 2.0 finalization with a separate
   email to the entire OSLC community list. Jim will draft and send out

   If anyone is interested in custom OSLC AM coffee mugs, I have some good
   artwork that you can use on a site like zazzle or cafepress.  I would be
   glad to send it to you.  Be the first in your cubicle to evangelize the
   OSLC! :-)


jim conallen
Rational Design Management (DM) Lead Architect, OSLC AM Lead
jconallen at us.ibm.com
Rational Software, IBM Software Group

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