[oslc-ArchMgmt] OSLC AM workgroup minutes 30-Sept-2010

James Conallen jconallen at us.ibm.com
Thu Sep 30 11:28:30 EDT 2010

The minutes have been posted for today's meeting


Jim updated the workgroup with Core activities (see core workgroup meeting

The workgroup continued it discussion of whether it should be defining URIs
for common architecture resource types (just the URI, not the shape, the
definition of the shape will be the next discussion).

Dan B. and Jim C. both expressed agreement that we should be defining URIs
for well know architecture resource types. These uris would be used by
clients to just identify the type of the resource, not the shape. It will
allow clients to do some level of interesting things with the links to
those resources. Scott was asked to play the devils advocate and suggested
that we flesh this out a little more. Jim agreed to start a new wiki page
where we can all put candidate URIs for architecture resource types. Next
meeting we can look over this list and vet it to see if it will be useful.

There was some discussion on versioning of these URIs, and it was agreed
that the general guidance of the OSLC is appropriate; only add stuff, don't
redefine or remove anything. Future specs can deprecate things.

Jim raised a concern that we should not go too far in defining these URIs,
to the point where we are defining constraints at the URI level (i.e. an
http://open-services.net/ns/am#operation can't also be a

The topic of baselines popped up again (a topic near and dear to Brenda's
heart) in relation to how it might affect granularity of the URIs we
define. It was agreed that the topic of baselines needs to be brought up at
the core level, and that it is a cross cutting concern. In the meantime we
will continue to work on it, and work towards ensure compatibility with the
SCM concept of baselines , and any results the core might come up with.


jim conallen
CAM Lead Architect
jconallen at us.ibm.com
Rational Software, IBM Software Group
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