[oslc-ArchMgmt] Minutes from OSLC AM Regular Meeting 2-Sep-2010

James Conallen jconallen at us.ibm.com
Thu Sep 2 13:01:38 EDT 2010

Atendees: Jim Conallen, John Crouchley, Tom Piccoli, Sandeep Kholi, Clyde
D. Icuspit

Regrets: Jim Amsden, Brenda Ellis, Scott Boswort, Bob Maksimchuk

   1. Jim gave an overiew of current linking in core, and current
      limitations on simple query when it comes to leveraging properties on
   2. The team continued an older discussion of the change scenario that
      Tom offered. We think we have a solid understanding of the following

Resource: a 'thing' that is managed by an AM proider. In the AM space
resources are highly fragmented, and have many relationships (properties)
to other resources. Rendering a resource is often an act of assembling
information from all the connecting resources (and beyond). A resource has
a perma link URI. Resources do not have individual versions, rather they
are part of a baseline or workspace.

Baseline: a frozen set of resources that are interelated and compatible
with each other. A baseline is identified with name and URI. A baseline can
be derived from another (previous) baseline.

Workspace: an active set of potentially changing resources. A workspace can
be derived from a baseline. It has a name and URI. A workspace can be
frozen and turned into a baseline.

Change: a resource that identifies a change in a resource. Its properties
include a reference to the changes resource, date/time and user that made
the change. It has a reference to a change management request (uri). It
also can provide a summary of the change (i.e. a textual summary).

Rendering: a resource or set of resources are displayed in a domain
relavant form. This form may be a diagram, table, or textual display that
uses resources properties, and the properties of related resources and
system properties/settings (even from those not explicitly mentioned in the
original set of resources).

Some other axioms:
      A resource can only be rendered in the context of a baseline or
      workspace (since it requires the assembly a many individual
      The same URI can't exist in two different workspaces.
      You can always do a GET on a resource URI and it should return the
      OSLC AM representation, or if HTML accept headers are used, a web
      based rendering of the resource.

Outstanding issues/questions:
      Can the same URI can exist in two different baselines? If so what is
      returned on a GET?
      Can we create more than one workspace from a baseline? If so how do
      we reconcile the URIs?


jim conallen
OSLC Architecture Management Lead
CAM Lead Architect
jconallen at us.ibm.com
Rational Software, IBM Software Group
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