[oslc] Invitation to review an OSLC-related publication

Jad El-Khoury jad at kth.se
Thu Oct 12 13:47:26 EDT 2017

Dear OSLC Community,

We would like to invite you to review and comment on a recent contribution to the OSLC Lyo project.

Lyo Store (https://wiki.eclipse.org/Lyo/Store) is a recent contribution to the OSLC Lyo project, in which we built a library that provides a simple interface for handling Java objects representing OSLC Resources in a triplestore.

Motivating this contribution, we also submitted a research article to the Semantic Web Journal, titled "A Linked Data extraction architecture for engineering software tools" (http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/content/linked-data-extraction-architecture-engineering-software-tools)

We welcome you to review and provide feedback on the submitted publication. You may decide whether to submit the feedback anonymously or not. Details for the review process can be found at http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/reviewers. SWJ applies an open and transparent review process, in which public (and anonymous) reviews and comments are welcome.

The paper investigated the possibility of automatically extracting data from a relational database, in order to expose it as OSLC resources. The study resulted in the implementation of the Lyo Store library.
The work is based on a case study with Scania CV AB, as part of a research project with KTH, Royal Institute of Technology.

Lyo Store can also be seen as providing a complement to OSLC's Query Capability, in which a SPARQL endpoint is made available on each OSLC server. This idea is reflected in the OSLC primer (Last sections of http://open-services.net/resources/tutorials/oslc-primer/query-mechanisms/) where
"another implementation strategy is to make a copy of the most recent version of every resource and put it in an RDF triple-store, keep it up to date in real time, and then offer OSLC users SPARQL query using the SPARQL capabilities of the RDF triple store."

(on behalf of the authors Andrii & Mattias)
Jad El-khoury, PhD
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Mechatronics Division
Brinellvägen 83, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: +46(0)8 790 6877 Mobile: +46(0)70 773 93 45
jad at kth.se<mailto:jad at kth.se>, www.kth.se<http://www.kth.se>

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