[oslc] FW: Survey on ALM/PLM Interoperability: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Interoperability_Spec_Dev_Within_Systems
Steve K Speicher
sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Mon Oct 6 07:50:22 EDT 2014
FYI...this is open to everyone and the results will be made public.
----- Forwarded by Steve K Speicher/Raleigh/IBM on 10/06/2014 07:48 AM
From: "Keis, Andreas" <andreas.keis at airbus.com>
To: "oslc-ms at lists.oasis-open.org" <oslc-ms at lists.oasis-open.org>
Date: 10/06/2014 07:44 AM
Subject: [oslc-ms] Survey on ALM/PLM Interoperability:
Sent by: <oslc-ms at lists.oasis-open.org>
Dear OSLC Member Section supporters,
I kindly ask you to support us in a survey about ALM/PLM interoperability.
This Interoperability survey is conducted by the EU ARTEMIS CRYSTAL
Research Project (http://www.crystal-artemis.eu/).
The purpose of the research is to obtain a broader industry perspective on
interoperability specification development and to understand the drivers
and boundaries for interoperability within the systems market.
All respondents who complete the survey will get a copy of the survey
report and will be entered into a draw to win an iPad Mini. The winner
will be notified by November 2014.
LINK to survey:
Thanks a lot for your support!
Best regards,
Andreas Keis
Andreas Keis
Engineering & Architecture
Head of Systems Engineering Processes and Platforms
Airbus Group Innovations
Address: D42 - 18, Rue Marius Terce, 31300 TOULOUSE
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