[oslc] EclipseCon Unconference Crystal OSLC Workshop in Toulouse on June 17th

Sean Kennedy seanpk at ca.ibm.com
Thu Jun 12 18:17:11 EDT 2014

Please see the below note from Gray Bachelor of IBM about the upcoming OSLC
and Eclipse Lyo workshop at EclipseCon Toulouse!

Best regards,
 Sean                                                                                IBM 
 Leader for                                                                              
 for the                                                                                 
 Phone:      +1-905-413-4385                       8200 Warden Ave                       
 Fax:        +1-905-413-4850                       Markham, Ontario L6G 1C7              
 Email:      seanpk at ca.ibm.com                     D1/R0A/8200/MKM                       
 LinkedIn:   http://www.linkedin.com/in/seanpk     Canada                                
             OSLC: Lifecycle integration inspired  http://open-services.net              
             by the web                                                                  
             Eclipse Lyo: Enabling tool            http://eclipse.org/lyo                
             integration with OSLC                                                       
 There is                                                                                
 than an                                                                                 
 idea whose                                                                              
 time has                                                                                
 come. --                                                                                
 Victor Hugo                                                                             

----- Forwarded by Sean Kennedy/Toronto/IBM on 2014/06/12 06:14 PM -----

----- Forwarded by Gray Bachelor/UK/IBM on 12/06/2014 20:57 -----

Dear OSLC community members

To let you know the pre-reqs are easy for the eclipsecon Unconference on
Tuesday and thanks to Gaël can be found on the wiki

if your curious about the use of the eclipse Lyo project for OSLC
	maybe you have your own app to "open up" to OSLC or want to see how
OSLC handles some specifics then come along all day including hands on
after lunch

maybe you just want an overview and to hear us walk through typical steps -
then the morning could be just right for you
	especially if you also are curious how the EC Artemis Crystal project
is exploiting OSLC in system engineering workflows

We are also available to try and answer your tricky and searching
questions !

Looking forward to meeting you Tuesday 17th

Let us know if you have any trouble with the pre-reqs

Best regards

Solution Architect
Systems and Industrial solutions, Rational HQ Devt org, IBM SWG
Tel: (44)(0)1926-464345      Alternative Tel: (44)(0)2476 713 274  Mobile
Tel: (44)(0)784 10 11 431
E-mail   gray_bachelor at uk.ibm.com
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