[oslc] REMINDER: Need an organization added to the Members page

Thorsten Weber thorsten.weber at contact-software.com
Mon Jul 7 06:56:58 EDT 2014

Dear Mr Webmaster,

please can you give us some information about our requested entry in the list of OSLC-organization (http://open-services.net/organizations/ <http://open-services.net/organizations/> )?

Best regards

Thorsten Weber


Thorsten Weber

CONTACT Software GmbH
Wiener Strae 1-3, D-28359 Bremen
Tel.: +49 (421) 201 53-770, Fax: -41
thorsten.weber at contact-software.com


Sitz der Gesellschaft / Registered Office: Bremen, Germany
Geschftsfhrer / Managing Directors: Karl Heinz Zachries, Ralf Holtgrefe
Eingetragen im / Registered in: Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Bremen unter HRB 13215


From: Thorsten Weber 
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2014 12:39 PM
To: 'webmaster at open-services.net'
Subject: REMINDER: Need an organization added to the Members page


we recently joined OSLC. It would be great if you could add us in your list of organization http://open-services.net/organizations/ <http://open-services.net/organizations/> 


Roland Drewinski

Dr. Roland Drewinski 
Leiter Marketing, Mitglied der Geschftsleitung 

CONTACT Software GmbH 
Wiener Strae 1-3, D-28359 Bremen
Tel.: +49 (421) 20153-26, Fax: -41
Mobil: +49 (172) 4343409 
rd at contact.de <mailto:rd at contact.de> 
www.contact.de <http://www.contact.de> 

Sitz der Gesellschaft / Registered Office: Bremen, Germany

Geschftsfhrer / Managing Directors: Karl Heinz Zachries, Ralf Holtgrefe

Eingetragen im / Registered in: Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Bremen unter HRB 13215

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