[oslc] [Oslc-Automation] OSLC Automation specification preparing to enter finalization phase

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Mon Oct 15 09:04:47 EDT 2012

> I noticed that Automation Request does not have 
> oslc_auto:outputParameter property, similar to Automation Result. 
> This limits the capability to maintain variables till Automation 
> Result has been created. I know it have oslc_auto:inputParameter 
> property, but that is read only, often copy from Automation plan. 

"Limits" overstates the case; there is no MUST NOT to this effect.  As 
Michael set, this is a question of where most consumers would expect to 
look for it.

As the resident multi-typing lover, I'll add another option (which may/not 
work in your particular implementation's case, hence 'option'): make your 
Request also be the corresponding Result.

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli OSLC Lead - Show me the Scenario
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