[oslc] What should be included in an OSLC SDK Consumer Library?

Dave snoopdave at gmail.com
Fri Jun 24 14:03:45 EDT 2011

Here's another topic for discussion from the OSLC SDK proposal.

Here are some ideas for what should be in an OSLC SDK Client Library:

* HTTP Client
  - Must support for OAuth and BASIC Auth
  - Include and build on an existing open source HTTP client
  - Add or augment client's OAuth and BASIC auth support

* RDF toolkit
  - Must support parsing and generating RDF/XML
  - Include and build on an existing open source RDF toolkit
  - Add ability to parse and generate OSLC JSON format

* OSLC "object model" or some way to:
  - Make it easy for folks to create and general OSLC resources
  - Make it easy to get resources as objects with properties

* Other ideas for client library features:
  - Ability to validate a resource against a Resource Shape
  - Ability to easily iterate through multi-page resources
  - Ability to determine Creation URL to use for given resource type
  - Ability to determine Query URL to use for given resource type

* Documentation
  - Overview and how-to sections for C.R.U.D. on resources
  - API reference for any objects and properties introduced

Does that sound like the makings of a Client Library? What else should
be present?

Other issues...

For other platforms such as PHP, Python, Ruby, etc. what are the best
choices for HTTP clients and RDF toolkits?

Which of the "other platforms" are most important for OSLC adoption?
Is PHP the #1 priority or Ruby, or Perl?

Other ideas?


David M. Johnson
OSLC Specification Lead
IBM Rational Software

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