[oslc] Coming soon: updated look and reorganized content for open-services.net site

Lee J Reamsnyder leereamsnyder at us.ibm.com
Wed Aug 17 16:42:49 EDT 2011

Hey everyone,

I've been plugging away at reorganizing the existing content and planning a
slight visual update of the open-services.net site. My primary goals right
now are to:
* Improve how the home page directs people to other parts of the site
* Improve the content and overall message on text-heavy pages (such as
About and Participate)
* Surface some good content that's currently a little buried in the wiki
* Better highlight current specifications and available resources
* Make some design elements (especially navigation) more flexible so we're
prepared to as the site grows

If you want to take a look, I've posted some images and details here:

Your feedback is welcome, either directly to me or to the community at


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