[oslc] [oslc-core] OSLC mailing lists and open community email etiquette

John Arwe johnarwe at us.ibm.com
Wed Apr 13 12:29:07 EDT 2011

The list is a good start.  As a recent new arrival to the community, a 
prominent Getting Started page would have been helpful.  Presumably GS 
would either house or point to the netiquette guidelines.
I found the digest part almost humorous; I finally gave up on that last 
week after some of the "you must not be seeing the numbered lists" 
responses to my requests for clarification.  FWIW, it does not work as 
advertised either -- when configured for 1/day + plain text, it routinely 
sent 5-6 digests per day just for core during some of the recent 
discussions... sometimes with 3 list emails/email to me, often 1/1.  I 
still have some of those examples if there is interest in debug ping me 
Potential addition to this list is handling of proposals under 
discussion/revision... the recent doc vs wiki example in core comes to 

Best Regards, John

Voice US 845-435-9470  BluePages
Tivoli Component Technologies
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