[oslc] OSLC Change Mangement Working Group Minutes September 15, 2010
Steve K Speicher
sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Sep 15 14:53:32 EDT 2010
Minutes at http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/CmMeetings09152010
Attendees: SteveSpeicher, RobertElves, AndreWeinand, ScottBosworth
SamPadgett, YongLi, SofiaYeung, DaveJohnson
Regrets: MikKersten, SamitMehta,
* No update to agenda
* Progress on 2.0 spec finalization
o Review CmImplementationReports
+ 4 Provider implementation reports received
+ 4 Consumer implementation reports received
+ RTC Provider and Consumer feedback reviewed
+ Recommendation to include a single matrix for all
implementations so gaps can be seen. ACTION on WG to build up a matrix
+ Will add some details on what consumers are testing
with, to ensure they are implementable across multiple providers
+ Overall good coverage, limited coverage for Shapes
+ Shapes present an issue of demand and availability, need
to work on this. Consumers won't consume if not providers, providers not
supporting as there are no consumers.
o Review and resolve any CmSpecV2Issues on CmSpecificationV2
+ Agreement to make changes to JSON: remove "oslc:qname"
and changing "rdf:type" to array
* Will declare 2.0 final when:
o target 13-October
o add as a target to put resources at end of NS URLs
o look to get more feedback on shapes implementation
* Community updates
o OSLC Discussions 29 September - October 1 at Open World Forum
o Olivier Berger tweet: "Cool, we have nice AJAX widgets for
#OSLC-CM... soon a live demo..."
o Discussion of test suite and needs of community, like the
thought of having JUnits and using it as samples
+ IBM looking to contribute the start of this to open
source community
+ Confirming need to have reference implementation
* Next Meeting:
o 13-Oct-2010 Looking to receive mostly complete impl feedback
and declare final. Continue scoping for post-2.0.
o Skipping 29-Sept meeting due to conflicts, will handle issues
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Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
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