[oslc] Translated transcripts/subtitles for the OSLC cartoon ?

Michael Hüttermann michael at huettermann.net
Mon Oct 4 03:25:39 EDT 2010


very good idea. But for me a translation looks like being an optional
step. Do you think the target audience of this movie will not get the
message without localization? Then, the cartoon itself would be
suboptimal and too difficult to understand.


Best regards

-Java Champion-
michael at huettermann.net

Am Montag, den 04.10.2010, 09:08 +0200 schrieb Olivier Berger
<olivier.berger at it-sudparis.eu>:
> Hi.
> In order to disseminate awareness about OSLC, I though it might be
> interesting to create international subtitled versions of :
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2vqL8fujgE
> Provided a transcript of the commentary, it probably wouldn't be so hard
> to translate to other languages, and produce new versions of the cartoon
> (there seem to be quite a few howtos explaining how to do that).
> Of course, one can use the youtube caption tools... but the results
> are... well... I let you check how it renders with automatic voice
> recognition ;)
> Who could provide a textual version for cartoon's voice ?
> Any comments ?
> Best regards,

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