[oslc] OSLC Change Management Working Group Minutes November 10, 2010
Steve K Speicher
sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Nov 10 16:24:18 EST 2010
Minutes: http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/CmMeetings11102010
Attendees: SteveSpeicher, DaveJohnson, RobertElves, SamitMehta,
SamPadgett, AndreWeinand, MikKersten, ScottBosworth
* Community updates
o Review of changes to Eclipse Mylyn by MikKersten
+ Eclipse Mylyn under same scope that was outlined before,
though it has recently been promoted to Eclipse top-level project. Looking
to use open source ALM tools and OSLC for reference implementation. For
tasks it is Bugzilla and TRAC, for SCM it is eGit and CVS. Need around
OSLC-SCM for code review support. Mylyn priorities are OSLC-CM v2.0 and
then OSLC-SCM.
# RobertElves to come back on the code review effort
and OSLC-SCM alignment
# Currently looking at updating its support to
OSLC-CM v2.0 support
+ Code2Cloud? around VMware and Tasktop partnership,
leveraging OSLC-CM and would use SCM if impls were available. It is used
to help build Spring applications.
# MikKersten to contact VMware about joining
# Providing it's issue tracking as Bugzilla schema
compliant, which will eventually be released as GPL
o Implementation progress CmImplementationReports (Last updated
o Open source project for test suites and more
* Progress on collecting reaffirmation of patent non-assert statements
o All but 2 received, no issues identified
* Review and prioritize scenarios for further consideration
o Scenario Backlog
+ Added IT Operations and Development linkage scenario
+ Need to add scenario on delegated resource editors
+ Agreement on good set of scenarios to focus
* Next meetings:
o 24-Nov-2010
+ Continue post-2.0 work: scenario prioritization and
o 8-Dec-2010
Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
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