[oslc] OSLC Change Management Working Group Minutes May 12, 2010

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed May 12 15:54:44 EDT 2010

Minutes: http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/CmMeetings05122010

Attendees: SteveSpeicher, PatrickStreule, DaveJohnson, ScottBosworth, 
SofiaYeung, SamitMehta 
Regrets: MarkRinger, AndreWeinand 
Progress on 2.0 specs 
Additional constraints on Shape needed for allowed values: min/max values, 
date range, etc 
agreement that this is not needed at this time, will defer until we have 
clear scenarios that require it 
Adoption of OSLCCorePartialUpdateDRAFT and extended properties to handle 
efficient fetch, add, update, removal of large multi-valued properties 
overall agreement on approach need to iron out a few details on how to 
efficiently fetch large set (paging). SteveSpeicher to investigate 
existing approaches. 
will update current draft with this guidance 
DaveJohnson to update guidance document with examples 
Refine query capability that is needed from core 
Agreement to defer Attachments support from 2.0 
PatrickStreule is working to complete state transition writeup this week. 
Target 19-May-2010 for convergence 
Starting to collect IP non-assert statements 
Next Meetings 
19-May-2010 (review and declare convergence) 
26-May-2010 (regular) 
update with corrections as needed 

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
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