[oslc] Automation (Build/Deploy) Workgroup Minutes for 5 March 2010
David N Brauneis
brauneis at us.ibm.com
Fri Mar 19 12:01:52 EDT 2010
Date: 5 March 2010
Review Action Items from Previous Meeting
Robert to update the Mylyn Scenario to use the Automation terminology
Robert to create a Google Spreadsheet to share attributes of the different
resource definitions
Leigh/David to update the IBM Scenario to use the Automation terminology
ALL take the scenarios to the next level of detail... understanding roles
of consumer/providers
Agree on scenarios
Start to identify the roles of the consumers/providers in each of the use
Identify how the different known products align with the resource
definitions initial thoughts (Build Forge and Jazz Team Build at a
Attendance: Dave Johnson (IBM), Leigh Williamson (IBM), Nick Crossley
(IBM), Peter Birk (IBM), Robert Elves (Tasktop), Scott Bosworth (IBM),
Jeff Turnham (IBM), Marcelo Paternostro (IBM)
Regrets: David Brauneis (IBM-Lead), Jean-Michel Lemieux (IBM), Paul
Tasillo (IBM)
Review Action Items from Previous Meeting
Robert to update the Mylyn Scenario to use the Automation terminology
Robert to create a Google Spreadsheet to share attributes of the different
resource definitions
Leigh/David to update the IBM Scenario to use the Automation terminology
ALL take the scenarios to the next level of detail... understanding roles
of consumer/providers
Workgroup reviewed proposed resource definitions using Google spreadsheet
provided by Robert Elves.
Resource attributes need additional meta-data such as whether the
attribute is required or optional, unique or non-unique, and so forth
Notes on specific attributes:
Applies to most(all?) resources:
Id : "ugly" identifier for resource - usually a UUID or similar (required,
key : user friendly identifier (optional but must be unique if present)
summary : text label for resource (required, but can be non-unique)
web url : link to browseable GUI for resource (optional ?)
Applies to AutomationPlan? resource:
dependent plans : list of automation plans that this one is linked with
(chained plans, child plans, etc.)
Applies to AutomationResult? resource:
automationPlan : link to plan that was executed in order to produce this
Automation Result - the idea is that a query can be defined to return the
list of all AutomationResults? produced by executing a
given AutomationPlan?
reason : why was this execution of the plan triggered? Enum values:
scheduled, manual, etc.
state : what is the current running lifecycle state of this execution?
Enum values: pending, started, complete, etc.
verdict : what is the status of the execution? Enum values: failed,
successful, etc.
Question was raised about how to handle the concept of versions of the
Automation Plan
Action items for next meeting:
Nick Edgar to update the spreadsheet with resource equivalents for RTC
that map to proposed resource definitions (DONE)
Leigh Williamson to update the spreadsheet for Build Forge (not done due
to lack of edit permission on spreadsheet)
david brauneis | ibm rational automation framework for websphere chief
email: brauneis at us.ibm.com | phone: 919-254-9935 | mobile: 919-656-0874
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