[oslc] OSLC Requirements Management V1 Spec Finalized

Scott Bosworth bosworth at us.ibm.com
Mon Mar 8 16:13:41 EST 2010

I learned on the oslc-rm workgroup call today that the V1 specification has
been declared final. You can find the spec here:
http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/RmSpecificationV1 . The spec mirrors
capabilities in CM and QM for creating, fetching, and linking to
requirements. This workgroup is probably the most diverse yet, and included
individuals from Accenture, Citigroup, EADS, IBM, Integrate Systems,
Northrop Grumman Corporation, Ravenflow, Siemens, and Stoneworks.  The
group has set a tone for OSLC by considering scenarios in a broader systems
and product delivery sense that includes but is not limited to software (a
welcome characteristic from the PLM workgroup I'm sure).

Congratulations to all of the members of the RM workgroup!


Scott Bosworth | IBM Rational CTO Team | bosworth at us.ibm.com | 919.486.2197
(w) | 919.244.3387(m) | 919.254.5271(f)
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