[oslc] [oslc-cm] OSLC Change Management Working Group Minutes June 23, 2010 (fixed format)
Steve K Speicher
sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Jun 23 14:51:37 EDT 2010
Attendees: SteveSpeicher, AndreWeinand, BrianSteele, RobertElves,
SamPadgett, DaveJohnson, SamitMehta
Regrets: MikKersten, ScottBosworth, MarkRinger
* One additional agenda item:
- Discussed experiences from IBM Innovate conference 2 weeks ago
* Progress on 2.0 spec
- Reviewed and confirmed edits and issue resolution to date. No
- Discussion around 2.0 and 1.0 compatibility
+ working group members have made progress on current
solution (HTTP header) and don't see better alternative without breaking
1.0-based integrations
+ discussion around life-time of a specifications (namely
1.0) and expectations to set
# Deferring any decision until we get more
implementation feedback on progress with 2.0 adoption
# Action: to improve 2.0 compatibility description
write-up to indicate the desire to have it be more version tolerant
- Agreement to include optional identifiers for query,
creation/selection dialogs to indicate subtype/usage such as: Defect,
Task, etc
+ Action: SteveSpeicher to write-up and distribute
- Concensus to move target for finalization to 21-July.
* Community updates
- Many 2.0 implementions starting within Rational
* Next meeting: 7-July-2010
Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645
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