[oslc] OSLC Change Management Working Group Minutes July 28, 2010

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Jul 28 14:42:16 EDT 2010

Minutes: http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/CmMeetings07282010#Minutes

Attendees: SteveSpeicher, AndreWeinand, SofiaYeung, SamPadgett, SamLee, 
DaveJohnson, SamitMehta, DenisTyrell, RobertElves

Regrets: MikKersten, ScottBosworth,

    * Progress on 2.0 spec
    * Reviewed recent changes (from last meeting)
          o ntroduction of dcterms:title and oslc:shortTitle
          o ServiceProviderCatalog and ServiceProvider updates
                + oslc:usage and oslc:prefixBase 
          o Change back to MUST for version header
                + though add discussion on de-emphasis as a long term 
          o formatting rules:
                + RDF/XML, no additional definition needed
                + XML, need to provide mapping (Core guidance)
                + JSON, need to provide mapping (Core guidance)
                      # Agreement on additional guidance needed for query 
results array name: proposal to use: "oslc:results" 
    * Agreement from WG on decision to enter finalization phase, with some 
additional editor tasks outlined above
    * Will declare final when:
          o 2 Provider implementation reports received
          o 1 Consumer implementation report received
          o All CmSpecificationCovenantV2 have been received (2 
          o WG will review impl reports and make decision on whether specs 
are considered implementable and interoperable
          o Hope to achieve by 18-Aug 
    * Next meeting:
          o 4-Aug-2010 (may cancel, will send notice > 24 hours before if 
not agenda items) 

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645

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