[oslc] OSLC Change Management Working Group Minutes July 7, 2010

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Wed Jul 7 15:19:59 EDT 2010

Minutes: http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/CmMeetings07072010

Attendees: SteveSpeicher, AndreWeinand, SamPadgett, YongLi, SamitMehta, 

Regrets: DaveJohnson

   * Community updates 
      * Implementation progress 
         * Updates from Oracle and Rational
   * Progress on 2.0 spec 
      * Review and resolve any CmSpecV2Issues on CmSpecificationV2 
         * Opened new issue regarding MUST support for partial update / 
patch support, will get feedback from implementers on adoption.
         * Only 1 other OPEN issue, need to confirm with core
         * Only some spec text left based on issue resolutions and 
outstanding editorial tasks, working to complete by end of week.
      * On target for July 21 finalization, barring additional 
implementation feedback
   * Next meeting: 
      * [[CmMeetings07212010][21-July-2010 regular]]

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645

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