[OSLC] resource: storage vs representation--specifying variations in the form of the return from a GET

Steve K Speicher sspeiche at us.ibm.com
Sun Jan 17 22:42:31 EST 2010

ajberner at us.ibm.com wrote on 01/17/2010 06:03:20 PM:

>> This raises a question about the spec:  Have we been specifying ways of
> GETting alternate representations of the same resource?  I'm wondering 
> there shouldn't be a somewhat standardized way to do this, although the
> specifics will be resource dependent.

In the CM 1.0 spec, we followed what is commonly referred to as "HTTP 
content negotiation".
See section titled "Requesting Formats" 

We identified for each type of CM resource, what media types are supported 

For example, for a change request resource you can request 3 different 
representations for it based on the CM 1.0 spec: HTML, JSON and XML.

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645

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