[OSLC] Proposal for an OSLC PLM Workgroup

Gray Bachelor gray_bachelor at uk.ibm.com
Fri Jan 15 15:13:32 EST 2010

Dear OSLC community members 

As the OSLC specs are built out and applied more I would like to propose a 
new workgroup to support usage in the context of Product Lifecycle 
Management (PLM)

A OSLC PLM workgroup would bring people together who have a common 
interest in defining specifications that enable lifecycle collaboration 
and integration around ALM in the context of PLM to inform an existing 
OSLC specification or contribute new specifications.

I would like to propose that the OSLC PLM workgroup aims to 
1. Evaluate applicability of existing OSLC specifications towards use in a 
mixed ALM/PLM setting
2. Contribute towards extension or new OSLC specifications base upon need 
for ALM/PLM collaborations

and envisage topics associated with ALM in a PLM context such as the 
following topics for discussion,

i       PLM product identities used within the ALM environment such as to 
name (e.g. identify, classify or associate) activities and artefacts
ii      ALM deliveries of product content (artefacts) into a PLM setting 
such as part of a release managed by PLM
iii     Flows of plans, requirements, quality info and changes activities 
and items between ALM and PLM
iv      Analytics, reporting from ALM to PLM, from PLM to ALM or 
v       Organisation, role, approvals and authorities affecting ALM in a 
PLM setting 

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is proposed as business concerns 
associated with managing a product over its lifecycle to achieve the 
desired market and business objectives. 

Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) is proposed as business concerns 
associated with managing a viable software delivery that constitutes or 
realises a software application. 
As PLM tends to be cross-discipline, cross-functional and extend to most 
areas of an organisation's business operations, the proposal here is to 
consider primarily where an application represents a product for sale 
and/or distribution, (or where an application may be a component of a 
software suite or system that represents a product for sale and/or 
distribution). There are also additional concerns to build out such as 
where an application is very strongly related to a product but may not 
constitute it, such as a test application, product configurator or even a 
PLM or ERP application.

I envisage participation from those with an interest or experience of 
applying OSLC or other industry standards to the ALM/PLM collaboration and 
integration topics.

Please provide comments of support or what is needed to make such a 
workgroup useful for your interests
Best regards

Solution Architect
Systems and Industrial solutions, Rational HQ Devt org, IBM SWG
Tel: (44)(0)1926-464345      Alternative Tel: (44)(0)2476 713 274  Mobile 
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E-mail   gray_bachelor at uk.ibm.com

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