[OSLC] Possible new Working Group - Automation

Scott Bosworth bosworth at us.ibm.com
Wed Jan 13 09:37:35 EST 2010

Hi David, you've taken the right first step in proposing the new working
group here ( see
 - How are workgroups formed?). I'd like to open it up for comment over the
next week or so to the community on this maillist. Based on that feedback
and assuming there is general encouragement to proceed, the next step would
be to author an AutomationHome wiki page that fleshes out additional
proposed details of the workgroup as outlined in the Best Practices topic,
and then consultation with other Workgroup leads to ensure we wouldn't be
introducing duplicative or overlapping efforts.

As far as the proposal itself, my two cents are that this seems to be a
good topic and in fact one that would fill a gap that has come up in other
workgroups. The SCM and Asset Management workgroups both have integration
scenarios with Automation (Build) systems, and if I recall correctly, some
of the SCM scenarios were deferred because they required the definition of
Build services which had no catcher at the time. Also, there was some early
interest in Quality Management around test automation, though that was
tabled in favor of other scenarios.

Other feedback for David?


Scott Bosworth | IBM Rational CTO Team | bosworth at us.ibm.com | 919.486.2197
(w) | 919.244.3387(m) | 919.254.5271(f)

| From:      |
  |David N Brauneis/Raleigh/IBM at IBMUS                                                                                                                |
| To:        |
  |community at open-services.net                                                                                                                       |
| Date:      |
  |01/12/2010 08:25 PM                                                                                                                               |
| Subject:   |
  |[OSLC] Possible new Working Group - Automation                                                                                                    |

Since I am new to participating in the Open Services for Lifecycle
Collaboration (OSLC) community, I was unsure how new Working Groups
(topics) are proposed or initiated but would like to propose a new Working
Group (topic) focused on Automation. Automation is a best practice and an
important aspect of the software development and delivery lifecycle which
spans the different stages - including multiple technologies (compilers,
languages, scripts, platforms, etc...) and activities(compilation,
analysis, packaging, deployment, etc..). Automation provides the capability
to eliminate manual handoffs between the different disciplines in the
software development and delivery lifecycle as well as traceability.

Initially, I think that the Working Group (topic) could focus on the a
couple of scenarios:
        1. Build - automated compilation and packaging of code
        2. Deployment - automated delivery/installation of build output

david brauneis | ibm rational automation framework for websphere chief
email: brauneis at us.ibm.com | phone: 919-254-9935 | mobile: 919-656-0874
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