[OSLC] Thanks, and Happy New Year

Scott Bosworth bosworth at us.ibm.com
Tue Jan 12 12:12:52 EST 2010

I just wanted express my thanks to the members of this community for
getting OSLC off to a great start in 2009. When I think back to the nascent
ideas we had just over a year ago, I'm amazed at the progress we've made.
Yes, there is much more to be done. The shift we are seeking -- to make ALM
integration more open, flexible, and practical -- is no easy task and will
take continued effort to have an industry-wide impact. Still, we've set the
stage in 2009. Some of our accomplishments include:

      Establishing a simple way for interested parties to join in and
      contribute, coupled with IP policies that promote free-flow of
      information and encourage implementations of specs
      Launching a workable (though admittedly  humble) web-site and wiki on
      open-services.net to support collaboration on specifications.
      Formation of workgroups across 8 different ALM domains and involving
      people from 30 different organizations. The individuals bring a range
      of expertise and vantage points on ALM integration, and come from
      organizations both large and small. We've been fortunate to have the
      presence of integrators and IT practitioners as well as ISV, open
      source, and the academic community.
      Publishing of the first spec - in Change Management - which has been
      utilized in several commercial implementations, and is witnessing the
      start of open source efforts to make oslc-cm adoption easier for
      service providers and consumers.
      Completion of the first Quality Management and Requirements
      Management specifications - both are expected to be finalized this
      month, and initial commercial uses of the specifications are in the
      Drafting of specifications in Estimation, Asset Management, SCM,
      Architecture Management, and Reporting.
      Delivery of white papers, videos, podcasts, and presentations that
      highlight the motivations and goals of OSLC.

We've learned a lot along the way, both from a technical perspective as
well as a community and process perspective, and have experienced some
growing pains along the way. I anticipate 2010 to be a year where we
transition from awkward adolescence to a more mature community, and I have
some personal goals I'd like to see happen with OSLC in 2010:

      Convergence on cross-OSLC or common specs that build on the work done
      so far around creating, fetching, querying resources of different
      types and that tackle new topics like linking/traceability.
      Expansion of the community with additional industry ISVs, IT and
      Systems practitioners, and open source community members.
      More implementations of OSLC specs - both "providers" and "consumers"
      Completion of version 1 specs and delivery of version 2 specs across
      several domains, tackling an ever widening set of integration
      Emergence of tools, technical materials, and test suites that make
      OSLC-based implementations easier to create and validate.
      Improved community tools and website.
      Greater awareness for OSLC, and highlighting of success stories.

Short list, eh? Time will tell what we can accomplish, but I'm looking
forward to it. Again, thanks, and I wish each of you a happy and prosperous
2010.  Scott

Scott Bosworth? | IBM Rational CTO Team | bosworth at us.ibm.com |
919.486.2197(w) | 919.244.3387(m) | 919.254.5271(f)
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